Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre Gives Attendees Virtual Show Option
Now, attendees not only will be able to go to events at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in person, but they also will be able to visit the event online afterward.
The virtual event service is offered by the center, and the first event to be made available online after the live event wrapped up was the Australian Business Events Expo, known as ABEE Online.
The ABEE Online event will be the first time an Australian venue has coordinated a virtual event, with the centernow planning to include the service as part of its regular offerings to clients, according to SCEC officials.
Featuring a range of ABEE exhibitors and videos of seminars, the virtual show is designed to appeal to people unable to attend the physical event, as well as delegates who are keen to revisit parts of the show.
Visitors to ABEE Online simply will log on and enter the show through a virtual exhibition centre lobby. Once inside, they can go to the conference room to watch the seminars or head to the exhibition hall to visit the stands and download brochures and videos from exhibitors.
SCEC Director of Marketing and Sales Amanda Anker said the virtual show concept went much further than simply webcasting lectures.
“Our virtual events will be designed to give a real sense of an event, with delegates able to engage with exhibitors and absorb the flavour of a show,” she added.
“We see this as an event add-on which can help build event numbers,” Anker said. “Where this concept has been used by organisers overseas, the feedback from visitors has been very positive, with more than a third saying they were more likely to visit the physical event the following year as a result of seeing the virtual show.”
SCEC had been able to develop the concept as part of its suite of services because of its extensive IT facilities and expertise, according to Anker.
“The Centre has the benefit of state-of-the-art technology and its own very skilled IT team, so it makes sense to put both to good use and offer our clients an additional service which can broaden awareness of their events,” she added.

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