The Next Phase of Trade Show Management Innovation

As event organizers work through the various stages of adoption of technology for managing their trade shows and conferences, they realize significant incremental benefits, including reduced human error, more data integrity, fewer man hours required for data entry, and better, richer data for decision-making.
This is especially true for teams managing multiple shows spread over different geographical regions, across different months in the year as well as across many years.
Global administration of multiple applications across multiple shows allows organizers to manage all of the applications being used for all the shows in a portfolio from a single dashboard. A centralized management solution provides many inherent benefits to event organizers, including:
1. Greater control over data. Global administration systems enable organizers to consolidate data from multiple applications and multiple shows into a single database to eliminate redundancies, and provide real-time management and reporting capabilities.
2. Better decision-making capabilities. Being able to distill large amounts of data down into specific data points (the pace of registration, the status of booth sales, etc.) for multiple shows through a single dashboard increases the organizer’s decision-making power.
3. More control over access to information. Maintaining one central system for data makes it easier for organizers to transfer data to outside applications, such as a mobile app, and monitor logins so that individuals—contractors or other software developers, for example—can only access the information they are authorized to obtain.
4. Enhanced historical insight. Having easy access to data from multiple years and multiple shows helps organizers put milestones into context, apply resources where needed, and revise programming strategies if required.
What began in the early years of automation as a faster, more efficient way to work has evolved into a way for event organizers to gain a competitive edge. With more data available from more sources, event organizers need to move beyond the digitization of workflows toward the harvesting of insight. Global administration is opening doors to better trade show management and events that meet the needs of changing exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees.

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