What Mobile Users Really Want

2015 will be considered a watershed year in the history of mobile devices. This is the year when mobile adoption finally has surpassed PC adoption, something experts had been predicting since at least 2010.
This also is the year when leading search engines have made serving mobile users their official priority. Web and app design teams now are putting in special effort in adopting emerging best practices to ensure that the needs of the ever growing number of mobile users are catered to.
However, there still is a lot of confusion about what mobile users really want. It also doesn’t help that there is a plethora of research out there that is often counterintuitive and conflicting.
Before your team gets into deep discussions about design and features, here is a quick primer on the top three things that mobile users really want.
1.Access to both Mobile App and Responsive Website
While a mobile app provides quick access and high interactivity to existing customers who are already invested in your brand, a responsive website will enable your brand to continue to serve a broader category of current and new audiences who will search and find your content organically. Key thing here is that, under the hood, the mobile app and website should sync with each other seamlessly since users will also switch from one to other depending on what they need.
Sometimes, while putting in a lot of focus on adding new features in mobile apps, brand owners forget the simple fact that mobile users need quick and fast access to information. Apps that take too long to download, update or sync and gobble up bandwidth without the user being aware of it – all of these frustrate users and convert them into brand antagonists, instead of lifelong fans.
3.Ease of Use
Fancy touch screens and built-in interactivity in popular mobile devices often tempts designers into creating workflows that require re-learning on the part of users. This frustrates the vast majority consumers who are accessing your mobile website or app for that one thing that they needed to do quickly. Mobile users will value quick access to essential tasks through streamlined workflows over any other service that your mobile website and/or app may provide.

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